this is not the original copy... i dumplicate it from my other blog =D

haha enjoy














i went out and ate wit my fren...
while walking back we meet three[3] stranger
they talked to us o,O'' at first i was frighten
coz u noe la now days got the kidnapping stuff

they introduce themselves
then started chit chating

THEN they aske d
    one day...
if you were to meet the god n they said
why must i let u enter the heaven

at first...i dint noe wad to say
i was bluring...
i knew sumday sumone would ask me this

i went on thinking...
later on he said i dint get it too when sumone ask me that
its usual if sumone ask u this

he told his stories
he's a christian... he told how jesus sacrifices his life for them
alot more

i've been thinking since he talk to me
n finally my answer is
i dont know wads the meaning of life
wad is the purpose i'm born for
i dont know...
the only think i noe is
i had a great family
friends which i could count on
wad more i nid

i say i dont know because i havent understand the meaning of life
soon i will but not now


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