yeepee today is
Happy Dumpling Festival 2010 !! 端午节快乐
had a family lunch for the big day=D1 big warm family lunch
50% chance u might regret looking at this pictures
dai ha...big prawn
fishy...i noe my camera cheap
the quality also but the fishy still looks nice
btw its the fish thts gonna eat the emperor lol=D haha if u dont get it read the last part

and last n final thing
wads a dumpling festival without dumpling
wan bet that
homemade dumpling are like 10 times [x10] better than outside wan

did you noe
According to the legend, rice dumplings were thrown into the river to lure the fish away from [Emperor] Qu Yuan’s body while fishermen beat drums and gongs to protect the body from being eaten by the fish or demons of the murky waters.

I don't need much of a reason to eat dumplings,
but I'm definitely not throwing them to the fishes.[fishiee]

Happy Dumpling Festival 2010 !! 端午节快乐
sry if the chinese word is wrong coz im not gud in chinese my fren transelated it =D


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