Victoria Institution Scouts 100th Anniversary Campfire

Hi Guys, this year's 100th Anniversary Campfire is going to be a joint effort from both troops, First Kuala Lumpur Scout Group and Victoria Scout Group (Second KL). It's going to be an awesome night so make sure you come and bring all your friends along! Everyone is welcomed for this event and we can assure that you will be entertained throughout the event!

Here are the details of the event ;

Time : 7.00 pm to 10.30 pm
Venue : Victoria Institution
Entry Fees : RM 8 for Scouts & RM 10 for Outsiders
Victorians enter for FREE! So don't miss it!
( Inclusive of refreshments)
Dress Code : Scouts Attire/Semi-formal

If you're wondering on how to get to our school, just take a STAR or MONORAIL to Hang Tuah Station or a PUTRA to Pasar Seni and our usherers will be waiting for you :)

For Further Details, you can contact :

TL Aravinda Prasad : 0122251801 (FKL)
TL Iqbal Lutfi : 0133823779 (VSG)

We, the scouts of Victoria Institution will be extremely glad to have everyone of you there and we promise to entertain you with a thunderous opening act, funny sketches, awesome dances, a very entertaining live band and of course our very famous, 'Seniors Act'. So keep yourselves free for this event and bring as many friends as you can to make it a successful one! Can't wait to see you guys there!

For full view of the promotional poster and map to VI, click the link below:!/photo.php?pid=4269497&id=678044719&fbid=412049279719


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